A Dystopian Novel By Zoha Kazemi
- Published By Hila (Qoqnoos)
- Published Date 2019
- Genre Science Fiction
- Language Farsi
Set in a near future after a revolution in stem cells technology, people are literally immortal. They can reproduce and replace their organs and never die from organ failures and fatal diseases. Every 40 years people can choose their professions according to what they like and their performances during their last 40 years of work. They also choose their own names according to their professions. The main character Atwood is a writer who is nearly finishing his 40 years of work as a fiction writer. But his brain cells were tempered and replaced and she has lost some parts of her memory. This is a bad sign that shows she was not a compliant citizen. She tries to find why this surgery was performed on her. But as she starts her quest, the main nuclear plants that supported the power for stem cells banks, explode in a shocking accident. She senses that her memory surgery and the explosions are somehow linked…