Death Industry

A Novel by Zoha Kazemi

  • Published By Tandis
  • Published Date 2020
  • Genre Science Fiction
  • Language Farsi

Death Industry

A revolutionary invention by Dr. Ambrose has changed the country. His quantum computer can determine the exact date of everyone’s death. This date is written on people’s birth/death certificates and classifies them according to their life spans. Those who die before the age of 20 (little travelers) are separated from their families from birth and kept in isolated towns to protect the parents from the pain of losing a child. Others are allowed to live in the cities but their death dates determine the services they receive from the government. Those who die under 30 won’t be accepted in universities and therefore can only apply for low payment labor jobs. On the other hand, full life citizens can have it all! A new religion has formed to ease the life of people and give more clarification and a sense of judgment and equality to people. The priests of Ambrose Temple have infused and corrupted the government and have power over the people. The Ambrose temple has also constructed a new calendar based on the Ambrose processor. The year is 221 when the story begins.